The iStar IRB system has been mandatory at USC and CHLA since 2005. All human subjects research at USC is required to use the IRB system to obtain approval and to manage ongoing regulatory requirements. This system is a complete business process management system – it manages everything from the submission of forms, enforcing the IRB’s workflow, capturing reviews and meetings, to issuing correspondence and approval letters. It is used by both USC and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles (CHLA). The IRB system can be found on iStar.
The IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) system has been in place since 2012. Like the IRB system, this system manages the regulatory process and requirements for ensuring that the use of animals for research is ethical. The IACUC system is also on iStar.
The IBC (Institutional Biosafety Committee) system has been in place since 2013. The IBC manages all research with biohazardous substances. Both USC and CHLA use this system. It is part of the iStar system.
The RSC (Radiation Safety Committee) system has been in place since 2014. It manages the submission and review of research with radioactive substances and/or machines at USC. It is also a part of the iStar system.
The diSClose system has been in place since 2013. It is used for disclosures of potential conflicts of interest in research, relationships with industry, conflicts of commitment, business conflicts, and personal conflicts. Both USC and CHLA use diSClose.
Animal Operations went into production in 2022. This system manages the animal care operations at USC. This includes everything from the ordering and transferring of animals to the invoicing of investigators for services from the department of animal resources. While the IACUC manages the regulatory aspects of this research, managing the actual care and feeding of these animals, veterinary services, and ordering falls to the Department of Animal Resources (DAR). DAR and researchers use the Animal Operations system.
A support system for use by all the change control committees has been in operation since 2018. This system captures and provides access to all development items, including enhancements, defects found, and editorial changes. All committee members can create new issues, view the status of enhancements, answer questions, and see the agendas and minutes of previous change control board meetings.