Martin Koning-Bastiaan is responsible for the iStar research regulatory system and the diSClose conflicts of interest system. These systems support research compliance for several regulatory committees, including the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) at USC and CHLA; the conflicts of interest in research committees at USC and CHLA; the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at USC; and the Biosafety and Radiation Safety committees at USC. He has been at USC since 2006. Martin holds a Doctorate in Regulatory Science from USC, Master’s degree in Educational Theory from Stanford University, and a Master’s of Science in Regulatory Science from USC.
Prior to his current position at USC, he worked as Director of Technology for MERLOT, an international consortium of universities collaborating on the use of online educational resources, originating out of the California State University system. Martin was responsible for the design and implementation of the MERLOT system. He began his technical career as a research scientist in Apple’s Advanced Technology Group in 1997.
Johnson Kwong is responsible for coordinating the change control efforts for the IACUC, IBC, and RSC electronic regulatory compliance systems used by both USC and CHLA. During his tenure, he implemented SSO authentication with Shibboleth and Okta for applications supported by RTS. He also worked on several projects involving integration with KC, OnCore, Workday, and Huron technologies. He has been with USC since 2012.
Jerry is a Programmer Analyst for the USC Research Technology Group. He holds a B.A. in both Economics and Political Science with a minor in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego (2013).
Mario began his programming career as a student intern with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory with a degree in Computer Information System from Cal Poly Pomona. He joined USC in 2008 as a Programmer Analyst under the Institutional Review Board. He currently works for the Research Technology Services Group.
Sydney Chang is a programmer analyst with iStar. She helps design, build, test, and deploy solutions to facilitate/enhance user experience. She also assists with the technical issues users face when utilizing iStar.
Jennifer Dizon graduated from California State University, Northridge with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science. Jennifer has been with USC since April 2021.
Mitchell Marino has been a programmer analyst for the USC Research Technology Services Group since 2023. Mitchell assists with iStar/DiSClose technical support and helps build, test, and implement solutions/enhancements for both systems.